How to Seek Refunds for Mistaken Recharges via USSD

Protecting Your Funds: How to Seek Refunds for Mistaken Recharges via USSD

In the digital age, transferring funds between bank accounts using USSD codes has become an integral part of our financial lives. It's quick, convenient, and accessible. However, there's a growing concern about users mistakenly recharging their mobile phone numbers instead of transferring funds, resulting in potential financial loss. In this blog post, we'll explore the issue and provide a step-by-step guide on how to seek refunds for such mistaken recharges.

The USSD Mistaken Recharge Dilemma

Many people have encountered the USSD mistaken recharge dilemma. It often occurs when individuals attempt to transfer funds between bank accounts but inadvertently end up recharging their mobile phone numbers. This simple error can have significant financial consequences, especially if the recharge amount is substantial, such as a month's salary.

Some individuals believe that once the recharge is made, the money is gone for good. However, there is hope. Most mobile network providers and banks have mechanisms in place to address such issues and refund the mistaken recharge.

Steps to Seek a Refund for Mistaken Recharges

 1. Gather Transaction Details

Start by gathering all the relevant transaction details. You'll need the following information:

- The debit alert message from your bank, including the debit amount and date.

- The recharge message from your mobile network provider, which should include a reference number.

 2. Compose a Refund Request Email

Use the following email template to send a refund request to the customer care departments of your mobile network provider (in this case, Glo) and your bank:

“Subject: Request for Refund - Mistaken Recharge

Dear [Customer Care Department's Email],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing on behalf of [Your Name], who is a loyal [Network Provider's Name] customer with the phone number [Phone Number]. Approximately [Specify Timeframe] ago, [Your Explanation of the Mistaken Recharge Incident].

Here are the transaction details:

- Debit Amount: [Debit Amount]

- Account Number: [Your Account Number]

- Transaction Description: [Transaction Description from Bank]

- Transaction Date: [Transaction Date]

- Total Balance before Debit: [Total Balance before Debit]

- Available Balance after Debit: [Available Balance after Debit]

We are writing to kindly request a refund or reversal of this mistakenly recharged amount of NGN [Amount] back to [Your Bank Account Details]. This recharge has caused significant financial inconvenience, and we would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

If any additional information or documentation is required to facilitate this refund process, please do not hesitate to contact us. We kindly request that you provide us with an update on the progress of this request as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]”

3. Send the Email to Relevant Parties

Send this email to the following email addresses:

- [email protected] (Network Provider's Customer Care)

- [email protected] (Glo Customer Care)

- Your bank's customer care email address

4. Follow Up with Calls

After sending the emails, follow up with phone calls to the customer care departments of both your network provider and your bank. Reference your email and provide any additional information they may require.

Avoid Common Pitfalls: Ensure a Smooth Refund Process

Seeking a refund for a mistaken recharge via USSD can be a relatively straightforward process if you follow certain guidelines and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some important things to keep in mind to increase the likelihood of getting your money back into your bank account:

 1. Do Not Use the Recharged Amount

One crucial step to ensure a smooth refund process is to refrain from using the recharged amount on your mobile line. Using the funds for calls, texts, or data could complicate the refund process. It's essential to treat the recharged amount as untouchable until the issue is resolved.

2. Wait Until All Bonus Packs Expire

Most network providers offer bonus packs alongside airtime top-ups. These bonuses often come with usage conditions, such as a specific validity period or usage limits. To avoid complicating the refund process, refrain from using these bonus packs. Wait until they have naturally expired before pursuing a refund.

3. Keep Active Contacts

Maintaining active contact information is crucial during the refund process. Ensure that your email address and phone number associated with your network provider and bank accounts are current and regularly checked. Customer care representatives may need to contact you for additional information or to provide updates on your refund request. 

 4. Promptly Respond to Correspondence

In case the network provider or bank needs additional information or has questions about your refund request, it's essential to respond promptly to their correspondence. Check your email regularly and answer any calls from their customer care teams. Timely communication can expedite the resolution process.

By following these additional guidelines, you can enhance your chances of successfully recovering the funds from a mistaken recharge. Remember, the key to a smooth refund process is to act responsibly, keep lines of communication open, and cooperate with the customer care teams of both your network provider and bank. Rest assured that most reputable service providers are committed to resolving such issues to your satisfaction.


Mistaken recharges via USSD can be frustrating, but they don't have to result in a permanent financial loss. By following the steps outlined above and actively communicating with the relevant parties, you can increase your chances of obtaining a refund and restoring your hard-earned money. Remember, mistakes happen, and reputable service providers are typically willing to assist in resolving such issues promptly.

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